Revenger Book Recommendation
I’m not going to bury the lead – skip it! Right away, the book starts with lots of new words that have a different meaning in the Revenger’s world. And it would be ok, if it wasn’t ten new words per paragraph leaving me with the feeling that something happened, I’m just not sure what. To note, I consume a lot of science fiction, so the normal sci-fi concepts are not new to me.
As I continue reading, I get bored, and think that it could be because I’m often distracted when I read (I have a crawling baby), but even when the baby sleeps I don’t have any desire to continue reading.
Then, I hit page 128 (out of 425), and I think to myself, finally! The story began. It takes a third of the book for me to feel that the story starts moving. However, after a few more chapters, I realize that I don’t care about the protagonist or the other characters, and at this point I’m reading because I have to write a review for it.
I thought about it. I mean stuff happens, even before page 128, but why do I have that feeling? And then it hits me – the protagonist is passive! She doesn’t make any decision that impacts the story or her life. One could argue that she makes one decision in the beginning of the book, although it would be fair to argue the opposite, as well. But after that, nothing that happens is in her control. Except in Chapter 7, when I thought the story finally began, but no. After that, she returns to just following other characters and not making any decisions that impact the story.
So, yea. Skip it. Unless you want to see what a passive protagonist does to a potentially decent story.