Infinity’s End Book Recommendation
At the moment I am reading Infinity’s End edited by Jonathan Strahan. It is a collection of sci-fi short stories by 14 different authors and is the seventh and last part of the Infinity Project. The project collected sci-fi stories with particular themes in each volume. I did not know this when I picked the book, but since these are short stories it did not affect my read.
I’ve actually read the introduction of this book. I often skip those, but for some reason it drew me in. Jonathan Strahan talks about how in the late 20th century many works of sci-fi dealt with interstellar colonization, but as we learned more and more about how truly vast the universe is, those works seemed more fantasy and less hard science fiction. In this sentiment, he decided to collect works that dealt with expansion into our own solar system. We often forget as sci-fi readers and writers that our own solar system provides a diverse playground.
My favourite story so far (I have four more to go) would have to be Intervention by Kelly Robson, although Foxy and Triggs by Justina Robson was a close second. It builds a world where humans colonized our solar system and where childrearing is very different than what we’re familiar with. And yet, it speaks about basic human truths, like all good stories do. It speaks of the difficulty and the constant doubt we face when raising children.
Overall, I would greatly recommend this book to any sci-fi reader, especially if you tend to read on the bus or anywhere where you manage to steal a few minutes. A definite ‘read it!’