Fallen World Book Review
Ugh… This one is a little difficult to review. The author, Simon Emery, reached out to me through an Indie Database, which contains useful contacts for indie authors (self-published, or published by small indie publishers). He gave me his eBook for free for a review (to be fair the book is like US$2.5).
When I started reading the book, Fallen World, I got frustrated. The book needs a line editor! Grammatical issues, word repetitions, pronoun confusion, all of those things made it hard to read and took me right out of the story. I’d often have to track back and re-read a section in order to understand what the hell happened.
However, somewhere around 20% into the book, I got totally lost in the story. So, either the grammar improved or I stopped noticing it. The next time I noticed the little percentage on the Kindle was when I was 74% done.
Overall, the story is good, the characters are decent, the world is relatively interesting, and it is an easy read. However, there are issues with grammar, a few story point, and action scenes. So I guess I’ll have to give it a “Meh”.